Tuesday, January 14, 2014

O gênero dos substantivos - Gender of nouns

In English, objects, places and animals fall under the category of "it". Their gender is neutral.

In Portuguese, objects, places and animals are assigned a GENDER. They will be either feminine or masculine ("ele" ou "ela"). Sounds crazy? Don't worry, you'll quickly get the hang of it.

A great idea is memorizing the noun AND gender whenever you are memorizing vocabulary.

For example:


Memorize: A MESA (the table)

Eu amo aquela mesa, mas ela é muito cara. (I love that table, but it is too expensive.)


Memorize: O COMPUTADOR (the computer)

O computador é uma invenção maravilhosa. Ele é essencial para a vida moderna. (The computer is a wonderful invention. It is essential to modern life).

As a rule of thumb, nouns ending in "a" are feminine, and nouns ending in "o" are masculine, but there are plenty of exceptions - and also plenty of other letters ending nouns, such as in "computador".


Words referring to female people or animals usually end in "a", and words referring to male people or animals end in "o". 


o amigo (the friend - male)
a amiga (the friend - female)

o aluno (the student - male)
a aluna (the student - female)

o gato (the cat - male)
a gata (the cat - female)

o cachorro (the dog -male)
a cachorra (the dog - female)


When we are talking about things or places, how do we know the gender?

Use the rule of thumb: if it ends in "o", consider it masculine, if it ends in "a", consider it feminine.

a sala (the room)
o escritório (the office)
a biblioteca (the library)
a caneta (the pen)
o salário (the salary)
o carro (the car)

There are many exceptions to this rule, such as:

o sofá (the couch)
o cinema (the movie theater)
o dia (the day)
a lição (the lesson)
a profissão (the profession)
a foto (the photo)

There are also many nouns that finish with other letters (not just "o" and "a"):

o motor (the motor)
o carnaval (the carnival)
a cidade (the city)
o abacaxi (the pineapple)

What do we do?

We'll get back to this in a future lesson. For now just make sure that whenever you memorize a noun, you also memorize its gender.

If you are really curious, go to Sonia Portuguese and read more about nouns here.

ADVANCED STUDENTS: Find more about gender of nouns on Gramática On-line and Brasil Escola.

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