Thursday, February 13, 2014

Chegou a vez do Brasil? - Is it Brazil's turn?

Above is a video in English reporting Brazil's growth in the past years. In it you can watch an interview with former president Lula and magnate Eike Batista.

PS: I personally think our growth has also a lot to do with the stabilization of our currency, a feat carried out by Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC), the president that came before Lula. When I was growing up, inflation was horrible - as soon as we got our paycheck we had to run to the grocery store and stock up the pantry for the whole month, since our currency devalued DAILY. I've seen the creation of so many currencies I actually have a hard time remembering them all: cruzeiro novo, cruzado, cruzado novo, cruzeiro... And this is in the span of 15 years or so. Many criticize FHC for his neoliberal policies - and I honestly can't really argue with that. He sold a lot of our basic industries to foreign capital, such as telecommunications, certain banks and mining companies. But his main legacy is a stable economy.

Lula was instrumental in sharing the wealth created by that stability through programs like "Bolsa Família". 

Our beautiful REAL (R$) notes - on this date the equivalent of US$ 0.42

Former president Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995 - 2002)

Former president Lula (2003 - 2010)

Read an article in Portuguese about FHC here.

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