Friday, January 10, 2014

Pronomes Pessoais do caso reto - Personal Pronouns (subject)

EU = I
TU = you*
VOCÊ = you
O SENHOR = you (masculine, showing respect)
A SENHORA = you (feminine, showing respect)
ELE = he/it
ELA = she/it
A GENTE = we (informal - not used in written language, but very common in spoken language)
NÓS = we (more formal than "a gente")
VOCÊS** = you (plural of "você" and "tu")
ELAS = they (feminine ONLY) 
ELES = they (masculine or mixed genders)

COLOR CODE = SAME VERB CONJUGATION (we'll talk about that soon!)

* (used in certain parts of the country, such as the South, the Northeast and in Rio. Misconjugated in spoken language often - using the VOCÊ conjugation).

**In some books you'll find "vós" as well, but no one uses that anymore, either in written or spoken language.

ALL STUDENTS: read a bit more about Personal Pronouns on Sonia Portuguese website (great resource!)
ADVANCED STUDENTS: read a bit more about Personal Pronouns on Só Português and Brasil Escola.

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